The Office for public information and press within the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice is commissioned to release the following public information:
In 2012 the prosecutor’s offices have registered 2052 cases related to the Romanian local elections and 632 cases related to the referendum.
In what concerns the elections from 2008-2009 (local, parliamentary, for the European Parliament, presidential and the referendum), 7956 criminal cases cases have been registered within the prosecutor’s offices, from which 56 have been deferred to the court – 66 deendants have been defereed to the court, and 56 of them have been sentenced through final decisions.
In 6531 cases the prosecutors have decided not to defer the related persons to the court, and in 187 cases the prosecutors are still to determine the action to be taken.
In what concerns the criminal cases related to the local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009, 76 cases have been registered by the Section of criminal investigation within the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, out of which 59 have been finalized as follows:
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 59.
Five criminal cases have been registered related to the local elections held in 2012, and three cases were related to the 2012 referendum.
331 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Alba Iulia has registered, out of which 257 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 2;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 255.
In the same prosecutor’s office 92 cases have been registered related for the local elections held in 2012, and 59 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
250 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Bacau, out of which 213 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 3;
- number of cases where persons related to the case were not indicted – 210.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 167 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 19 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
310 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Brasov, aut of which 303 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 10;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 293.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 67 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 9 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
1865 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Bucureºti, out of which 1587 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 5;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 1568.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 380 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, de cauze, and 127 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
86 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Constanþa, out of which 86 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 0;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 86.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 201 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 24 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
1571 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Craiova, out of which 1380 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 15;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 1365.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 151 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 92 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
273 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Cluj, din out of which 272 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 8;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted - 264.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 52 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 20 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
436 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Galaþi aut of which 282 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 4;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 278.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 116 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 90 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
334 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Iaºi, aut of which 248 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 2;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 246.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 143 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 33 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
231 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Oradea, aut of which 222 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 1;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 221.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 21 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 7 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
161 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Piteºti, aut of which 128 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 1;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted - 127.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 68 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 35 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
1196 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Ploieºti, out of which 827 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 3;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 144.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 380 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 100 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
276 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Suceava, out of which 215 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 1;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted - 214.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 97 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 5 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
253 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Târgu Mureº, out of which 250 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 0;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 250.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 46 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 10 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
307 cases related to local, parliamentary elections, the elections for the European Parliament, the presidential elections and the referendum, between 2008 and 2009 have been registered by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of Appeal from Timisoara, out of which 258 have been finalized as follows:
- indictments – 1;
- number of cases where the persons related to the case were not indicted – 257.
In the same prosecutor’s office, 66 criminal cases have been registered for the local elections held in 2012, and 6 cases related to the 2012 referendum.
Between 2008 and 2012, 17 new cases have been registered within the sections and local services of DNA. These new cases were related to criminal acts perpetrated when the local elections and the referendum were held.
Out of these 17 cases, only 5 cases are related to criminal deeds perpetrated in relation to the referendum held on the 29th of July 2012, being crimes specific foreseen by the Law 78/2000 for the prevention, discovering and sanctioning of corruption, related also to crimes foreseen by the Law 3/2000 for organising of the referendum, Law 67/2004 for the election of the local authorities, Law 370/2004 for the election of the president of Romania, Law 33/2007 for the elections for the European Parliament and the Criminal Code.
Expressly assigned prosecutors have been undergoing a thorough processes of scrutiny and nothing was found in order to prove an infringement of the criminal procedure law during the criminal pursuit.
The above statistic data, but also the result of the scrutiny held within the Public Ministry, have been sent to the Minister of Justice, Mrs. Mona Maria Pivniceru.